Thursday, 28 May 2015

Some Tips to Remove BitCrypt Virus

BitCrypt ransomware is a virus that once enters the system cause irrecoverable damage and makes it almost unstable. It is said to be the most dangerous virus because just like Cryptolocker this virus also encrypts the files and demands money in return. However, the payment demand of this virus is much more than any other ransomware.

It enters the system through email attachments, spam links, free downloads etc, and once it gains access to a system, it destroys it completely, which is why removal of BitCrypt virus without any delay is always suggested, once encountered.

Symptoms of BitCrypt ransomware

1. Hampers the network running performance by stealing network resources in order to allow remote hackers to handle the infected system.
2. Changes browser settings.
3. Create unwanted pop ups.
4. Steal user’s private and bank account details.

BitCrypt removal guide

Manual removal:

1. First of all restart your system and boot it to Safe Mode.
2. Now click on the Start menu->Control panel->Appearance->Personalization->Folder options. Here select “View Tab” and click on “Show hidden files, folders and drives” under “Advanced” settings and then click OK.
3. Right click on “My Computer” and go to “Search” and make a search for “BitCrypt” in your entire system and if any such file related to it is found delete it immediately.

Using antivirus:

1. Download a trusted antivirus on your PC.
2. Install the antivirus and then run it.
3. Now click on “Start New Scan” and then on “Scan Computer Now” to start a total scan.
4. Wait for few minutes until the scan is done.
5. And finally click on “Fix Threats” to remove all PC infections.

Following the above guide you can successfully delete BitCrypt virus from the system but you must always keep in mind to browse carefully so that no such virus gets an opportunity to enter the system.


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    1. Thanks for reading this blog. We will definitely discuss soon to eliminate YTBlockerApp Virus.
