Monday, 11 May 2015

ShellShock: A Major Vulnerability in Bash

A major vulnerability in the bash shell was recently discovered called ShellShock.  This vulnerability affects the systems that have not updated bash and the one that provide web hosting in any form. For example WordPress hosting, which allows the remote attackers to execute arbitrary commands, upload files, send infected emails etc.

ShellShock vulnerability got a score of 10/10 which means you must pay attention to it as soon as possible as it allows the attacker to gain a shell on the infected system. Additionally, if the bug is exploited over CGI, then the situation will become even worse. So, it is highly recommended to resolve this issue before it is too late.

How to verify if you are infected with ShellShock?

Follow the steps and run each line after $, if you find the word “vulnerable” then you are infected.
  1. hobbes@metal:~$ export badvar='() { :;}; echo vulnerable’
  2. hobbes@metal:~$ bash -c “echo I am an innocent sub process in ‘$BASH_VERSION'”
  3. vulnerable
  4. I am an innocent sub process in 4.3.22(1)-release
What Shellshock bug actually does?

Once a system becomes vulnerable to ShellShock bash vulnerability it allows the attacker to do any malicious activity including modifying content of the web server, spoils the appearance of the website, change codes, steal user data from databases, change passwords, and many more.

Shell scripting is mostly used in Linux which means there are multiple ways for the vulnerability to be triggered. Red Hat which is one of the most famous companies that provides Linux said “Because of the pervasive use of the Bash shell, this issue is quite serious and should be treated as such.”

What to do once you became a victim?

If you are an administrator of Linux server, update your version of bash as soon as possible. However, if you are using Ubuntu, executing ‘apt-get update’ and then ‘apt-get upgrade’ will remove ShellShock bash bug from the server.

Tips to minimize the damage:
  • Keep your system patched.
  • Remove unnecessary software’s that are not used.
  • Use software with auto updation capability.
  • Keep identifying which systems are infected
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  1. Nice tips to be secured from ShellShock, as such bugs are not easily identified and thus cause much loss. Quiet an informative post.

  2. Yeah that really true that Shellshock bug attacks the system. To ensure weather it has effect my system or not i have verified and yes my system was effected by it but by taking the tips suggested in the blog. I have minimize the risk.

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