Sunday, 25 May 2014

How to be Proactively Secured Against Browser Ransomware Attacks!

Every time you go online to get updated on the kinds of attack that are trending in, you are surprised by the number of new malware get launched, which only grows to be overwhelming.

The newest in the list of the malware is ransomware (and I know now you are trying to associate with the ransom, and you are exactly where the word ‘ransomware’ wants to reach you!).

What is Ransomware?

These malicious software programs are designed to keep you deprived of your own files, and press you to give money. Only then you would be able to access your data; and in some cases, not even then.
Doesn’t it seem like the old era when bad cowboys used to steal away the livestock and free them only when they were paid handsomely (to keep the animals alive!)? Yes, it does seem like that and this emotion is followed by feeling really pathetic even to imagine the dawning of such an era in its latest digital avatar.

Some more insights

Recently, an antivirus software giant was known to conduct a survey regarding ransomware. In 6 weeks time, users were found to have visited the ransomware-infected websites around 18 million.
Some of the most common-found harassing ransomware do the following-

·         Either it tells that you have committed some illegitimate activity with your system, and FBI has found that, locking away your data. Now you need to pay a fine before you can even think of accessing your data.
·         Or it tells you either to pay to see your data or get it destroyed (out of frying pan into the fire!)

Is there any way out of the situation?

The age-old ways often remain the only tricks to deal the newer issues, like the one we are presented with. Here are the old advices that work just as best as they could when it comes to be prepared for any malware.
·         Cautious surfing- Do not surf the content that makes you think twice about surfing it.

·         Trustworthy downloading- Download only what you need most that too from the site you trust.
·         Anti-malware installing and scanning- Never even think of skipping this step.

·         Careful link-clicking- Your emails and the websites that you visit are full of links. Click after consideration.
·         Routine data backing-up- In case you are attacked by ransomware, doing this would save you from all the fear that this malware creates.

·         OS updating- Latest of the threats get covered if this is performed regularly.

All the best in your efforts!

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