Tuesday, 22 April 2014

The Best Anti-Virus Protection Against Top 5 Mal-Inventions of Internet Era!

Imagine a world without technology.

Take your time. No need to rush.

What picture did you get? No Picture at all. It is very much understandable. We have become so accustomed of the comfort facilitated by the technology that it is really challenging on part to even imagine a life without it.

But what about the negative things that also got burgeoned alongside the technological ease? Given below are such 5 things that are plagued with unwanted corruptions or have themselves become a problem.     
1.      Mobile phones

Everyone loves browsing the internet on the go and the best way to do so is a mobile phone. This has encourages programmers to write special Virus programs to infect smartphones and get valuable data and customer insight to exploit for legal as well as illegal gains.

A Cell Phone Virus? Is it really possible? Yes, it is. To understand, just think of your mobile as a computer. Now the mobile phone manufacturers have also included WI-Fi facility in it, which is what makes it more prone to mobile viruses.  

2.      Social networking sites

There is no denying of the fact that social networking sites are a great way to stay connected, which makes it really popular among its users. However, with the increase in the number of its users, the risk of getting infected from the viruses and spreading them unconsciously also gets increased.

Antivirus software such as Optimo AV for Windows and office are the only way to stop these viruses before getting infected. Apart from that stop downloading anything from peer networks.

3.      Dating sites

Everyone knows that online dating is fun. It has become very popular but so have the threats related to it. The online dating websites have gained notoriety for becoming a platform for hackers.
If you are meeting someone through online dating sites, never share your personal information. You may not be sure about the true existence and identity of the person to whom you are dating.

4.      Adult Content

The computer has become a playground for malicious software. The creators of a virus know the dark pleasures people are into. They use pornographic material to entice them into the trap of malware. Before reality hits them, malware secretly start lurking inside their computer and waits for a chance to infiltrate.
The porn sites are said to be having the highest concentration of Malware. It’s guaranteed that whenever you visit such site, you are going to get impacted by such programs. Staying away from them is the best approach. After it, only anti-malware can be your savior.

5.      Email

At some point of your life you must have seen a suspicious looking email in your inbox. Actually, these fishy emails are a part of virus scam. Viruses are often sent to thousands of email addresses under the guise of a real company that you might have had contact with, such as eBay, PayPal, UPS, FedEx, DHL, or other commonly used service providers.

Now is the time to beware of using all the above things, else the repercussions can be severe!


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